The Plain White T-Shirt

In the formal wear world, our when in doubt go to outfit is always the little black dress. The little black dress can go with just about anything and looks good on every body type. So ever think about the plain white t-shirt as the every day little black dress? Well you should. A plain white t-shirt or tank top can be paired with anything when you don’t know what to wear! Jeans, shorts, colored plants, a skirt, the list goes on and on. My favorite thing about a white tee is the jewelry you can pair with it because you can get as colorful as possible. Plus, they also look good on any body just like the little black dress does. So when you are in a rush in the morning and don’t know what to wear, go for the white t-shirt. Here’s a few stylish ways to wear your white t-shirt…


Written by: Alex Steel

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