Tag Archive: featured

Celeb Fashion Stalk Talk: Rihanna


A human being should not be able to have everything. But it seems like celebrities these days got it all: money, looks, and fashion. Some people like Rihanna have the money, looks, fashion,… Continue reading

Hot Oil Treatments: Why are they important?


Look at the ends of your hair, do they look dry? Brittle? Are they splitting? Well don’t fret because adding in hot 0il treatments to your hair regimen will have your hair back… Continue reading

How to Style Culottes


Culottes have been one of my favorite trends going into the hotter months. This flowy cropped pant can be worn on date night or into the office for a business meeting. It’s extremely… Continue reading

5 Must Know Beauty Hacks


I’m sure we’ve all seen those “life hack” pages on instagram or facebook, and actually thought some of the ideas were pretty genius. Well how about beauty hacks? We all have things that… Continue reading

5 Items That Will Get You Through The Summer


Every season has it’s essentials, meaning the thing every girl should own to get her through that season with ease. With summer right around the corner it’s super important that everyone knows what’s… Continue reading

7 Best Dressed in April


Although “best dressed” is definitely subjective, people often agree that these celebrities wore the best outfits- possibly Tumblr and Instagram worthy. We may say that if we had personal stylists like a majority… Continue reading

Ten Must-Have Items For $10 or Less


For most women, our pocketbooks are our lifeline. Not only do they hold our wallets, and other obvious items that all people need, but they also carry female must haves. Now, we’re all… Continue reading

Missguided Is The New Guide


Everyone knows internet shopping is at an all time high and, if you’re someone like me who actually loathes trying on clothes, it really is your best friend. With all the different ways… Continue reading

Why American Apparel Outlet Is Better Than The Actual Store


American Apparel is currently one of the trendiest stores around. With a unique approach to clothing, and workout gear that looks like it came straight out of Olivia Newton-Johns 1981 video “Physical,” I’d… Continue reading

DIY: Fringe Shirt


Fringe has quickly become one of the most popular shirt styles around. You can see fringe on boots, bags, shirts, skirts, and dresses. The best thing about fringe is it’s actually super easy… Continue reading