Kate Cusack’s Out of This World Zipper Jewelry

With jewelry there are just as many trends as with the clothes you wear. And just like clothing trends, sometimes things will go out of style, but that does not necessarily mean everyone stops wearing it or designers stop making it. With jewelry a certain piece might not be in style but when you come across a bracelet or necklace that is as much a piece of art as it is an accessory you just cannot help but to buy it. This is exactly how I felt when I first found Kate Cusack’s zipper jewelry.

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Kate Cusack is a Brooklyn based artist, or designer it really depends on how you look at her work. She is the child of two artists and from a young age was fascinated with creating things. On her site she says that she loves creating things out of ordinary objects, hence the zipper jewelry. She is quoted saying that  “the body is my canvas: I am fascinated by adornment, and excess.” While excess is usually looked at in a negative way the kind of excess that fascinates Cusack is that of a freedom that allows her to explore color, texture and materials without worrying about traditional boundaries.

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Zipper jewelry has been a hot item the last couple of year, but my prediction is that Cusack’s pieces will continue to thrive long after the trend has ended. What sets Cusack’s jewelry apart is that it is clear that when these pieces were being designed they were treated like pieces of art. Each piece, whether it is a bracelet, necklace or pin showcases Cusack’s attention to detail, and her understanding of the way the metal and fabric that make up zippers come together and can be manipulated into other things.

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The pins are some of the simplest pieces that Cusack has made, and at the same time they are breath taking. Not many people could look at a zipper and see and flower, but Cusack did and now these adorable flower pins are here for everyone to enjoy. They come in many different colors like red, blue, pink and white.

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The necklaces show off Cusack’s talent to manipulate zippers into pieces of art. Not just sticking to the classic silver zipper with black fabric, Cusack explores different colors of metal in combination with many different fabrics. The necklaces are hand sewn by Cusack, and no two are exactly alike because of that. Because of the quality of craftsmen ship these necklaces are somewhat expensive. However, being that they are like pieces of art they can be enjoyed as such. They are available for viewing and purchase at different galleries across the US including galleries and shops in California, Washington and New York.

Written By: Courtney White

Photo Sources:




