De-Clutter Your Closet: Organization Tips


If your closet is bursting with clothes, shoes, and accessories but you still have “nothing to wear”, it may be time to clean out your closet. Having an organized closet space clears your mind when you are trying to get ready. You’ll also be able to find the pieces you want faster because everything will have a proper place. Here are some closet organization tips to get you started:


Take out everything: In order to makeover your closet, you need a fresh start. Take out every single piece of clothing and sort them into piles. One pile will be for the clothes you want to keep, another for clothes you want to donate or give away.




Separate clothing into seasons: If your closet is big enough, sort them into your closet by what season you would wear them in. Doing this will make clothes easier to find because all of your seasonal clothes will be in the same section. If your closet is small, take out all of the out of season clothing and box them up. Put them away for now, and switch them out when the seasons change.


Color coordinate: You can also separate them into colors. It’s the easiest way to make your closet look super organized.


Face hangers toward you: When putting your clothes back into your closet, face hangers toward you instead. After a few months or even after a year, you will begin to notice which pieces of clothing you wear and which ones you don’t.  Donate the ones that are still facing toward you.




Use hooks: Buy over the door hooks or hooks that stick onto the wall. You can use these for practically anything. Try putting your most worn jackets there or your purses. Even your jewelry can sit on these.


Take advantage of vertical space: Vertical space is a great way to get the most out of your closet if it is taller than it is wide. Install a rack above your clothes if you don’t already have one. Use this space to store things that are least used since they will be the most out of sight. Use the empty space at the bottom to store shoes.


Bins, bins, and more bins: Buy bins to put in your closet. Line them up along the top of your closet and along the bottom. Organize the bins how you please. Some ideas for what to put in bins could be: scarves, bathing suits, books, folded denim, odds and ends (like a junk drawer but in bin form), underwear/bras, pajamas, etc. For even more organization, make labels for each one to distinguish them from the rest.


Use matching hangers: This tip may seem silly, but it really makes all the difference in how organized and uniformed  your closet will look. Use the same hangers in the same color to tie everything together.


Cubbies: Cubbies are the perfect way to store shoes!


Shelves: If your closet is big enough, install shelves to give yourself some more counter space.


Use hanger labels: No matter how you’ve decided how to organize your clothes, using hanger labels are a great way to get a quick visual of where everything is supposed to go.

So go forth and conquer the daunting task of cleaning and organizing your closet! Make it fun and put on some music while you clean. The best part is that because you donated all your old clothes, it’ll give you the perfect excuse to go shopping!

Written by: Crystal Mason

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