Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat’s Spectacles


Wearable technology is all the rage lately, a venture that combines two lucrative industries: tech and fashion. While endeavors like Google Glass ultimately failed, sleek items like FitBits or Apple Watches were more successful. What’s the difference between them? Style, of course. The biggest hesitation that customers had while looking into wearable technology is that it so often looks too bulky, too tech-y, and simply not stylish enough. The latest company to make their foray into creating stylish, wearable technology is Snap, Inc., the makers of Snapchat, who plan on releasing Spectacles.



So far, all we know about Spectacles is that they are essentially wearable cameras made to look like sunglasses. It would appear, though, that their main function is to be used with the social media platform Snapchat. Spectacles can record video clips up to ten seconds long and, connecting your iPhone or Android through WiFi or Bluetooth, upload them to Snapchat. This may be a bit of a barrier for those who don’t use Snapchat or don’t care to, but we’re assuming picture and video can be saved elsewhere on your phones, as well.



At $130 a piece, it appears as though Spectacles are trying to make more of an emphasis on style rather than their technological advancements, as if reaffirming the idea that wearable technology can be fashionable. Whether they’ve succeeded in this area or not is up to the beholder, but they do resemble the bug-eyed sunglasses that have been popular in recent years. If Spectacles manage to become as successful as their company’s social media platform, we may be looking at a big change in how our society shares images, not just from a methodical standpoint, but in the sense that this may be the downfall of selfie cultures, as the emphasis will be on capturing what’s around you, rather than yourself.



Written By: Sydney Rakestraw
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